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misResultados understands the importance of protecting the information it administers, so it honors the confidentiality and security of the health information of the individual-patient. Our privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") describes how misResultados manages your personal health information.
Maintaining the privacy and security of the personal and health information that is transmitted and protected through the misResultados network is of vital importance to us. misResultados has implemented appropriate privacy safeguards to prevent the use or disclosure of personal and health information in an unauthorized manner and in contravention of the prohibitions that HIPAA, as amended, provides. misResultados has implemented reasonable and adequate administrative, physical and technical security safeguards to maintain the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of health information in our database and through our network.
misResultados continuously works to maintain the highest standards of security in the provision of its services. Our participants, health service providers, can only connect to the network of misResultados if they comply with the technical and security requirements in their information systems. These requirements are requested by misResultados so that they can be part of the network. This effort, which in contractual circumstances is a condition, promotes the ability of our participants-providers of health services to be compatible with our security policy. The technical and safety capacity that our health care providers must mention is related to the origin and transmission of the electronic report or result of clinical tests. This process promotes that the information systems that connect to our network work in accordance with and in compliance with the accepted norms of the health industry. It also promotes working in compliance with federal government standards for the electronic exchange of health information among health care providers.

  • Your health information is stored in your account and other users cannot access it;
  • You decide to give access to your account to whom you deem necessary, and you can revoke that access at any time;
  • You can request a report from misResultados about who has accessed your account;
  • You decide even when we store your health information, so by notifying your decision, we proceed to delete it from our database, in compliance with the protected health information destruction standards;
  • We use and implement the security standards required by the HIPAA Safety Rule so that your information is secure.

There are also procedural safeguards to protect the health information that you, as patient-users store with us. Our staff is obliged to comply with strict non-disclosure policies to third parties, either within our organization, between participating providers and outside it, under penalties and / or civil claims or criminal prosecutions.
Our privacy policy explains how we collect your information and how we use it, and any violation of this policy may be reported to the Federal Trade Commission, which has the authority to act against companies that commit violations of their privacy policies.
If you have suggestions to our Privacy Policy, you can do so through

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More than 500 laboratories are participating. Make sure your laboratory is a member of misResultados.

Benefits you will have with us:


Access to your clinical test results quickly, easily and safely.


Less visits to the lab, you will not need to return to the lab to pick up your results.


Your doctor will receive the results directly to your electronic file.


You can save a profile and history of the different lab tests you have had performed.


You will have connection to your health information at all times, 24/7.


You will have access from any place, through the Internet.

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